The idea of “Scout Scarf Day” is that all active and former scouts are to wear their scout scarfs in public
to make the “Spirit of Scouting” visible: Once a Scout – Always a Scout!The date of the event commemorates the very first Scout Camp on Brownsea Island in 1907.Of course, the scarf is not only a symbol but a strong symbol for the scout promise and for our mission to leave the world as a bit better a place than we had found it.Saturday August 1st, 2020
  • World Scout Scacf
     Day Celebrate with us!

If you have your scouting gear hanging up in the closet gathering dust, then it is time to put it on because this is World Scout Scarf Day, a day where you can wear your scarf and remember your pride as a Boy/Girl scout!Learn about World Scout Scarf Day!!!The idea behind Scout Scarf Day is that all former and active scouts are prompted to wear their scout scarfs out in public so that the spirit of scouting is there for all to see! After all, once a scout, always a scout, right? The scarf is just a symbol, but it is a very strong symbol regarding the scout promise and the scout’s mission to leave the world a better place than the place we had found it.
The scout’s scarf or neckerchief is part of the uniform. They are highly practical. For example, they can be used as a bandage or a sling by a Scout in need. Depending on the title, organization, and region, the neckerchiefs that are used can have different emblems and colors. A special knot is used to tie the scarf; these are known as the Friendship knots. The decorative knot comes from China and it has become highly popular among Scouts in recent times. It omits the use of a woggle.
History of World Scout Scarf Day!!This scout holiday was created through a collaboration of Scout groups worldwide since 2007. It encourages current and former scouts to wear their scarf in pride as a symbol of the Scout’s promise and the spirit of Scouting.
The Scout’s promise is about being in the spirit of upholding Scout law, which includes being loyal, trusted, helpful to others, and obeys orders.
This holiday is part of a collection of holidays inspired by the Scouting movement during the first half of the twentieth century, which all started when a lieutenant general of the British Army named Robert Baden-Powell wrote a book for boys about scouting, called “Scouting for Boys”
Once this book was published in 1907, many scouting groups started appearing all throughout Great Britain and eventually the rest of the world. Specifically, since the scout scarf is a symbol of the Scout’s Promise, and for those who have pride in their Scout membership, this day is one of the perfect days for people all over the world to show off their scarfs and be proud of their Scout history.
Scouting was started in the United Kingdom. However, there are now more than 38 million Guide and Scout members across the world, with the movement spanning 216 countries. International organizations differ across the world, with various activities, traditions, and uniforms. However, they all hold the same core values.
How to celebrate World Scout Scarf Day!!
The easiest way to participate in scout scarf day is wear your scout scarf throughout the day.Take a nice picture of yourself puting on scout scarf to celebrate this day once a scout, always a scout.
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We are scout.
We are messager of peace.
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About Kim Balogun Olamilekan Amos 442 Articles
Nigeria No 1 Scout News Blogger" Popularly knows as Bravo Amos. A Scout from Sango Local Association, Àwórì Scout Province, Ogun State Scout Council,The Scout Association Of Nigeria. A Scout News Blogger Voluntarily Base in Lagos State Nigeria. Founder/ C.E.O Bravo Amos Scout Blog Aim Promoting Scouting Online Globally

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