This program is all about ongoing campaign against drug abuse.
As we all know that 87% of our youth now are days are addicted to this bad Idea in which they thought that’s the better way of life for them,but as for we the messengers of peace we can’t leave our youth alone in this miserable life so we decided to go on in the street of ondo west to tell them that this act is not the normal life because many of the mad people in ondo is not the work of vio.
many of this were cause by the Act Of taken excess of what you know about the outcome.
The program went well because we have seen our neighborhood that has done this also
So we can continue this to let them know we still have some organization that still care about the life of youth not all youth has miserable life.
Advice to the community during the program campaigning against drug abuse tell the people of ondo that excess of anything is an abuse is not only drug that can be abused
And This don’t have any advantage to our body but only have disadvantages
And some of it are
Liver problem
Kidney disease
And scratches ETC
And after this it can lead to violence and damages in the city
That’s why we move out to the street and tell our people
Nigeria No 1 Scout News Blogger" Popularly knows as Bravo Amos.
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🚨 Time is Ticking! 🚨 Have you registered for the First of it’s kind in the history of Scouting in Nigeria A SCOUTPRENEURSHIP IN TECH BOOTCAMP/ FIRST CLASS TRAINING COURSE? Don’t miss out on your chance to be part of Read More Update
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