Fact Of Being A Good Patrol Leader

What is Patrol Leader?

Patrol leaders carry out planning, leading, and evaluating patrol meetings and activities, and assure patrols are prepared to participate in all troop activities. They keep their patrol intact so they can work together and share responsibilities to get things done.

Fact Of Being A Good Patrol Leader

Be Flexible.

Be Fair to All.

Keep your word.

Don’t make promises you cannot keep.

A good leader shows no favourites.

Do not allow friendships to keep you from being fair to all members of your patrol.

Find out who likes to do what, and assign duties to patrol members by what they like to do best.

Be a Good Communicator.

You do not need a loud voice to be a good leader, but you must be willing to step out in front with an effective ‘Let’s go for it!’

A good leader knows how to get and give information so that everyone understands what is going on. No-one can read your mind.

Not everything goes as planned.

Be prepared to shift to ‘Plan B’ when ‘Plan A’ doesn’t work.

Be Organised. The time you spend planning will be repaid many times over. Take notes; keep records.


Some leaders assume that a job will not get done if they don’t do it themselves. Wrong!

Most people like to be challenged with a new task. Get your patrol to try things they have never done before. Do not try to do everything yourself. Sharing jobs and fun is a much more rewarding way.

Set an Example. The most important thing you can do is ‘Lead by Example’. Whatever you do, your patrol members are likely to do the same. A cheerful attitude can keep everyone’s spirits up.

“Laugh, and the world laughs with you….”

Be Consistent. Nothing is more confusing to a young Scout than a leader who stands on his/her feet one day, and on his/her head the next. If your patrol knows what to expect from you, they will be more likely to respond positively to your leadership.

Give Praise. The best way to get credit is to give it away. Often a “Nice job” remark is all the praise necessary to make a Scout feel he/she is contribution to the efforts of the patrol.

Ask for Help. Never be embarrassed to ask for help. You have many resources at your disposal. When confronted with a situation you don’t know how to handle, ask someone with more experience for some advice and guidance. They too will learn much from you.

About Kim Balogun Olamilekan Amos 442 Articles
Nigeria No 1 Scout News Blogger" Popularly knows as Bravo Amos. A Scout from Sango Local Association, Àwórì Scout Province, Ogun State Scout Council,The Scout Association Of Nigeria. A Scout News Blogger Voluntarily Base in Lagos State Nigeria. Founder/ C.E.O Bravo Amos Scout Blog Aim Promoting Scouting Online Globally