My Scouting History By ALHAJI Saka Abdulazeez, LT

My name is Saka Abdulazeez, LT.

I started Scouting as a Cub Scout in the 60s. My memorable experience that l can never forget are slitted into the various stages, permit me to share as follows:

a Cub Scout – l enjoyed the devotion of my Cubleader popularly known as “Captain Muda” and our role model was to be like “Mr. Olu Akin who fought the lion”

As a Scout. The experience was in 1976 selection camp for the 1977 First All African Jamboree when a village in Jos was turned to a scout village through building of gadgets. The joy then was healthy competition of inventing new gadgets overnight on daily basis, then come the night l was on guard in my sub camp, suddenly l saw a whitish long object approaching me, l then shouted “stop and advance to be recognized” the object kept coming and l was forced to swing the thump stick in my hand, a last the stick went through the object but did not touch anything but the object disappeared. In the morning, l developed rashes all over my body and it did not take my scout leader any difficulty to take me to the Health Bay where an injection was administered that put me to sleep for hours. My pride was the fact that l did not allow an intruder into my sub camp.

As a Rover Scout – it was another camp, where my crew survey a rural area that is in need of an health outfit and the use of the survey report to build a village health post in the village and today the site is hosting a full fledged Primary Health Clinic.

As a Young Trainer – it was a Woodbadge course in Jos. The soup prepared for the camp became sour and one of the chef in the kitchen informed his colleagues that the solution was to add more long pepper. They then did as advised unknown to most of the course leadership but when it was time to serve the meal of the staff, the white man on the team Rev. Fr. Bligh of Benue State protested by saying “I don’t want to take fire soup”.

As a former NTC – my ability to use the tenure to encourage many scout leaders to become responsible trainers either in the Pack, Troop, Crew and various State Councils.

1) Attraction: what attracted me to scouting was peer group influence of older boys in my area who always share stories of their scouting activities and the benefit that scout gives adventure, travel to foreign countries, enjoying prestige of riding railway coaches free of charges and of course the escapades of Mr. Olu Akin that was said to have fought and killed a lion using skills he acquired in Scouting.

2) Sustenance: The dedication of my leaders at various stages are my main sustenance and l am proud to say that although Mr. Olu Akin never fought a lion but the story and expectations and the dedication of my Cub leader (Capt Muda) who takes us out on camping as cub scouts, Late Samuel Ojumoola, LT who taught me tolerance in training and Late Bala Bello, LT who opened his heart, home and resources to me into leadership training. Bala opened me up to national scouting through being given the opportunities of assisting them in courses.

Just like predicting, in 1985 in Yankaree Game Reserve that Late Baba Adepeju decorated me with the Woodbadge beads by pronouncing that “l bless you some day you will grow and be a National Trainer”.

That statement came to past when in 2014 l was appointed NTC. These legacies have not only helped me in Scouting it also make it easy for me to cohabit with people no matter how difficult they may be.

3) Relevance of 1&2 in today’s scouting. These values are still relevant but what is absent is the preparedness of scout leaders to sacrifice for the development of the young ones.

4) Recommendations for young Scouters. Be prepared for service. Be ready to serve others in anticipation of you also being served but not by forcing it to happen.

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About Kim Balogun Olamilekan Amos 442 Articles
Nigeria No 1 Scout News Blogger" Popularly knows as Bravo Amos. A Scout from Sango Local Association, Àwórì Scout Province, Ogun State Scout Council,The Scout Association Of Nigeria. A Scout News Blogger Voluntarily Base in Lagos State Nigeria. Founder/ C.E.O Bravo Amos Scout Blog Aim Promoting Scouting Online Globally

1 Comment

  1. Greatly one, the icon of scouting in Nigeria. When you came to Zing we turn you to Mumuye man of Zing. More wisdom and knowledge sir