Advice message from Palmer afolabi L.T LSSC to All MEMBERS of Learn Scout meet opportunity Whatapp group Number 1 scout learning platform.


i feel thrilled whenever i read through the writeups of most of u guys..

It makes me to say in my heart dat>> we have very intelligent crops of youths in whom we can say/vouch for at anyday/anytime..

Our tomorrow is well assured dat u’ll all not disappoint the Elders…

when dey eventually leaves the stage for u guys..abi naah.
You are all a very intelligent set of people.,i urge u all to keep it up…ok.

Main Advise

But one thing dat i’ll not fail to tell u all is dat>>

The Association has Hand book of rules,Policies and Constitution/patrol system dat guides her members…ok
Pls don’t ever trampled/set dem asides.,pls let it always be a watchword for u all in all dat u do..
Nobody can speak/Communicate on behalf of the Association without getting the approval of the National Hqtrs…
Yeeesssss,one may have some lofty ideas about any burning issues or what have u??.
Such a person must ensure dat he/she follows our rules..ok get approvals from appropriate authorities..

This is Scouting o..we are not a “jagajaga” organization ok.
Once again.,let me greet/commend u all for all dat u had all bn postulating on dis platform..

God bless you all..cheers

(Palmer Afolabi.LT.,Lagos State Scout Council)

Reply From Learn Scout Meet Opportunity Scout Platform


(Palmer Afolabi.LT.,Lagos State Scout Council) For His Encouragement Comments To All Youth In Scouting

Thanks you so much father>Leader>Scouter> Your words of encouragement is calling for more,as we promise on our honor to be the best and the strength of the National development!

We will not disappoint you our elders!!

(We will leave it better than we found it).

Thanks for the hope and everything you have impacted in us!!

You still remain a great and a great leader of our time!you don’t underrate, you don’t tarnish people’s image.u have always been supportive.. (records speaks forever! Once again on behalf of everyone on this group we say thank you sir! As we are still expecting more of your encouragement and advice as an elder! (Agba ko ni tan Lori le! Baba ke PE! ).. We love you..

Chairman learn scouting meet opportunity platform!

Ajayi Micheal olawale!

God Bless’WOSM’

God Bless “TSAN”

God Bless LSSC

God Bless All Member Of Learn Scout Meet Opportunity Scout Platform

About Kim Balogun Olamilekan Amos 442 Articles
Nigeria No 1 Scout News Blogger" Popularly knows as Bravo Amos. A Scout from Sango Local Association, Àwórì Scout Province, Ogun State Scout Council,The Scout Association Of Nigeria. A Scout News Blogger Voluntarily Base in Lagos State Nigeria. Founder/ C.E.O Bravo Amos Scout Blog Aim Promoting Scouting Online Globally

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