We bring to you SOME GUIDELINES TO ASSIST YOUR PARTICIPATION in the Challenge Activities as Put forward in the 2nd Session of TSAN S@H Program of Sunday 30th August 2020.
This activity spans a duration of 1 week from 12:00PM 30th August 2020 to 12:00AM 6th September 2020.
Scoring criteria for each challenge are
determined by the quality and cumulative
reactions (comments, likes, shares) generated from contents posted on various social media
channels (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter) by participants.
All participants are encouraged to take a screen shot of the
summary of the reactions from their post and submit send them to konxiv@gmail.com
on or before 12:00am 6th September 2020
Use the HashTag #TSANSAH while posting your contents so they can easily be tracked and scored accordingly.
This is a first in the series of 4 activity and project challenges. Participants are required to join all our challenges to stand a chance of winning a prize.
Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three winners of these challenges as follows:–
First Place – N10, 000.00
Second Place – N6, 000.00
Third Place – N4, 000.00.
Winners for these challenges and their prices will be announced during
the closing ceremony of the Scouting at Home Programme on the 11th October 2020.
Read through the various challenges outlined hereunder and carryout at least 3 challenges of (1 short tongue twisters, 1 long tongue twister and 1 creativity challenge).
Start the challenge by introducing yourself and stating that this is your “SUBMISSION FOR THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA SCOUTING AT HOME ACTIVITY CHALLENGE 1”.
A tongue twister is “a sentence or phrase that is intended to be difficult to say, especially when repeated quickly
and often” – [Cambridge Dictionary. Tongue twisters don’t make a lot of sense, but they are filled with repeated sounds making them extremely helpful in speech therapy].
The concept of sentences and phrases in tongue twisters are putting similar sounds and letters next to each other, it makes people focus on the differences of each word to try and get it perfect.
Post a shot video of you;
• Repeating at least 2 short tongue twisters as fast as possible 4 times and
• At least 1 long tongue twister as fast as possible of the following tongue twisters as fast as possible 2 times.
(a). Short Tongue Twisters:
(i). Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
(ii). The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick
(iii). The Sun shall soon shine
(iv). If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?
(b). Long Tongue Twisters:
(i). Through three cheese trees, three free fleas flew.
While these fleas flew, a freeze breeze blew.
Freeze breeze made these three trees freeze.
Freezy trees made these trees’ cheese freeze. That’s what made these three free fleas sneeze
(ii). She sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are seashells she is sure. And if she sells seashells on the seashore, Then I’m sure she sells seashore shells.
(iii). Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep. The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed Shilly-shallied south. These sheep shouldn’t sleep in a shack; Sheep should sleep in a shed.
(iv). Susie works in a shoeshine shop Where she shines she sits, and Where she sits she shines
Show us how creative you are by undergoing any of the challenges below.
(a). Safe from Harm Video: Make a two minute video encouraging good online habits/safe from harm.
(b). Gravity Trick:
This is a science trick which enables you to defile certain laws of gravity and suspending a heavier weight using a lighter one.
(i). Requirements:
3 Match Sticks or toothpicks, a shoe lace, a 60cl table water bottle half filled and a table.
(ii). Instructions: Follow this video for a guide:
https://bit.ly 3lsYmWE
(iii). Take a video of your activity and post it on Social media with the HashTag #TSANSAH
(c). The Domino Effect:
A domino effect or chain reaction is the cumulative effect produced when one
event sets off a chain of similar events. The term is best known as a mechanical effect and is used as an
analogy to a falling row of dominoes. Domino Maze creates all the thrills of a classic domino run with an added twists it’s also a brilliant logic puzzle.
Put your reasoning skills to the test as you navigate your way through pivots, around blockers, and up and down stairs!
Boost your critical skills by designing a dynamic domino effect you can think of, here is an example – https://youtu.be/EI_V16TZmII
Kindly contact us, should you have any questions or concerns: