Oyo State Scout Youth Camp

This is to officially inform the General public of the upcoming largest Youth Gathering in Oyo State which is the Oyo State Scout Youth Camp which is slated to hold on 29th of August to 1st of September 2022

We have done this before in 2019 and we will do it again this year with more interesting programs

There are lots of unique features of this Camp with the theme ” Involving the Grassroots” as Scouts from every Nook and cranny of Oyo State and Nigeria as whole.

There will be an ARO SDG Training which is the First of it’s Kind in Nigeria .

The Official logo Show case the following

1. The Oyo State maroon


2. The 17 SDG Colours

3. The map of Oyo State

We Promise to make Oyo State Scout Youth Camp in interesting one ,come one, Come all .

Oreitan Abdulrahmon Orex Infinity

SHQ Youth Engagement

Oyo State Scout Council


Promoting Scouting Online Globally

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