Dear friends in Sea-scouting !
The Scout Association Of Nigeria
Sea Scout Section
Present To You
The purpose of these trainings is to help sea-scouts ship Leaders and their scouts increase their knowledge, develop their skills and modify their attitudes.
It is a progressive process of
change leading to personal development for both leaders and their Scouts ,and increased
job performance for the Ship Leaders. Participants at the SLAT will be active agents in this process through their interventions at various stages.
The Sea-scout section of the NSO is inviting all intending and existing Sea-scout Leaders and their Ship members to apply for these trainings as scheduled below :
Date : Friday, 6th – 8,May 2022.
Venue :Camp Thunder, LA Primary School, Tomaro Island, lat: 3ÇN, long:43ÇN Coastline,
Apapa . Landmark : Liverpool Jetty, Apapa.
The course will be conducted in both theory and practical experiences with visit M.V.
Safe from Harm : As part of requirements to be admitted into the course, participants
above 18 including facilitators MUST attempt the safe from harm test and present
certificate on arrival.
Use this link to access test.
Travel Information : All participants who arrive at the Liverpool Jetty not later than 10:00hrs
On Day 1, 6th May, 2022 will join a free waiting boat to the camp site.
Participants at ASC are expected to pay :#4000 .
Leaders for SLAT are to pay
#5000 respectively .
N:B Payment covers a pack of start up kit for Leaders and learning aid for ship members.
All payments are to be made to :(0027136855) The Scout Association of Nigeria Sterling Bank
on or before Wednesday , 20th April 2022.
Evidence of payment should be sent via
whatsApp to 08039672448 and 07069666091 with a copy produced at the point of
registration on day 1.
Identity Tag : Participants are expected to come with their passport photograph(2×2 inches)
in Sea- scout uniform.
A WhatsApp Group will be created for easy communication and
interactions with participants.