MY LAW AND PROMISE By Kim. O. O. Joseph (Ààrẹ Horlagold Kim Balogun Olamilekan Amos 4 years ago MY LAW AND PROMISE HOW DO YOU USE SCOUT LAW AND PROMISE? My Yes is valid and my No is solid Trusting my words shouldn’t be a thing of contemplation to you When committed to a course I discharge my duty with honesty Being of aid to those whom assistance is due Without expecting gain is my joy always Am friendly with all regardless our differences Been rude to people but young and old is never my way I believe in being polite to others All creatures has the right to comfortable living Denying animals right to existence Will never be done by me or within my domain Without a valid reason I obey laws and orders of higher authorities With joy even when its not pleasant to me Though, the journey might be rough and tough Regardless how difficult the tasks ahead of me may be I smile and whistle till I get it accomplished Spending extravagantly isn’t my problem But am disciplined not to lavish I have to plant my seed so as to enjoy the fruits not alone but with others in need I work on my thoughts and words daily ensures my words are clean Ambiguous altering are my dislikes. I am a scout in deeds My honor is highly important to me I put in my best to all I do Service to God and humanity remains my core duty Obedience to the scout law always Keeps my going. © Kim. O. O. Joseph (Ààrẹ Horlagold) Scout Create A BETTER WORLD PROMOTING SCOUTING ONLINE GLOBALLY Share this with other Scout To Read