Lagos State Scout Council Youth Walk in Commemoration of the International Youth Day

Only In Lagos State Scout Council Leadership Of This Council As Always Been Giving YOUTH Chance to Always Play there Role In the Organization .

Also SHQ Commissioner For Youth Play A Great Role in Youth Development In the State.

Lagos state scout council

(Youth department)

Present Youth Walk in Commemoration of the International Youth Day 2023

To All Divisional scout Commissioner

All District Scout Commissioner

All youth Coordinators and leaders

Our Dear youth & young people

This is to Notify you of the unveiled plan of the youth department to host our young boys and girls in a (youth walk) in commemoration of the international youth day 2023

The walk is aimed at creating awareness and also educating young people on the importance of youth in the society

Theme:-Green skills for youth Towards a sustainable world

Below is the plan

Date:-Saturday 12 August 2023

Time:- 8:00am

Meeting point:- Mrs filling station Ojota heading to ogudu round about.

Coverage:- Scout media team & Lagos television

Security:-under surveillance of the explorers scout & Nigeria police force

Ps:-All correspondence to lssc youth department

©Youth walk media & publicity.

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