HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL SCOUT AROUND THE WORLD Kim Balogun Olamilekan Amos 4 years ago SEASONING GREETINGS TO ALL SCOUT AROUND THE WORLD https://bravoamosscoutblog.com.ng/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/VID-20210101-WA0016.mp4?_=1 FROM “BRAVO AMOS SCOUT BLOG” SCOUT NEWS UPDATE RELEASE As the year 2020 Gradually draws to a close and we usher in a fresh year 2021 I wish to use this singular opportunity to appreciate all my viewers, readers, supporters, sponsors, contributors, and Also WORLD ORGANISATION OF SCOUT MOVEMENT & THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA FOR THE SUPPORT I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU ALL. Bravo Amos Scout Blog wish you all Happy New Year. It was you that kept the blog alive and made me want to work more. Thank you all and may the Almighty God keep you strong, healthy and prosperous. Kim Balogun Olamilekan Amos Aka BRAVO AMOS 3.3 WISH A VERY GREAT NEW YEAR WEE OOOOOO WAA OOOOOO PROMOTING SCOUTING GLOBALLY Share this with other Scout To Read