Happy Scouts founder’s day.
Founder’s day Is All About birthday of Robert Baden Powell born in “1857”
Scout movement was founded in British in 1908 by A Calvary officer lieutenant general Robert Baden Powell who had written a book called scouting For boys 1908 but before the year in 1907 he held A Camp On Browsee island to test the idea for his book.
This Founder’s day help us remember the propose of scouting to contribute to the self development of young people to provide opportunity for them to look beyond their own.
As the Lord Robert Baden Powell Once Said.
“The real way to gain happiness is to give it to others”
On behalf of World Scouting especially Agbado oke odo Lagos State Scout Council.
we give thanks to almighty God for his fulfillment protection progress towards the society and also thank all the people that made today celebration in memorable.
Happy Founder’s day
Yours in Scouting
Elder M.A Eweje
LA chairman’s Agbado oke odo