Message From The Office Of The Chief Commissioner TSAN
My Dear Brothers and Sisters Scout.
May 27th every year is set aside internationally as the Children’s day.
The real essence of children’s day is to understand the importance of childhood in
our lives.
The principles and disciplines learned as a child are responsible for what
he or she becomes in the future, thus childhood should be celebrated.
This day is a
reminder to all the adults about children’s right to enjoy their childhood without
any boundaries and to be given basic education for a better life.
This year’s festivity is seen across the world as a big relief because we are coming
out of the woods haven been under the ravage of COVID-19 Pandemic.
The fear is
still there, I therefore implore all of us to be safety conscious and observe all
guiding rules of Staying Safe and Staying Alive, as we endeavour to always keep all
scouts and children Safe from Harm.
Until all our Scouts can freely attend their troop meetings and camp together
without restrictions once again, let their imaginations continue to come to life at
home and on-line.
We salute all Scout Leaders at the District and State levels for continuing at
dedicating their time, money and goodwill to the service of our children both in
and out of School, may you remain blessed as ever.