Congratulations Dr, Chukwujekwu Sunday Ibe LT NHQ Communications & Strategy Commissioner For TSAN Kim Balogun Olamilekan Amos 3 years ago Congratulations on your New appointment I wish you success in your new Office. Dr, Chukwujekwu SUNDAY Ibe LT As The NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS COMMUNICATION & STRATEGY COMMISSIONER FOR THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA Father be aware that you have our full support I knew the appointment was meant for none other than you. I’m so glad it finally came your way. This is an opportunity to use the rare talent that nature has given you. I was extremely thrilled once I heard the news and I am very happy for you. Everything you have done and accomplished has led to this point and you truly deserve it. I wish you the best of luck in your new post. I have no doubt that you will excel in this role and make everyone proud. I look forward to even more success news about you, which you are very much capable of. Once again congratulations my Able Mentor. Signed Kim Balogun Olamilekan Amos Aka BRAVO AMOS Promoting Scouting Online Globally Share this with other Scout To Read