Awori Scout Province (Cub Section) Presents A Day Workshop/Seminar For All CUB SCOUT LEADERS!!!

Awori Scout Province

(Cub Section)

Ogun State Scout Council.

The Scout Association of Nigeria.

Presents A Day Workshop/Seminar For All CUB SCOUT LEADERS!!!

The above section is organising a day Workshop/Seminar for all Cub Scout Leaders, Asst. Cub Scout Leaders, School Teachers, and other Interested Unit Leaders.

We We Do Our Best!!!

Date :January 29th, 2022.

Time: 9am.

Venue: CGWC Araromi, Sango Ota Ogun State.

Amount: #1000 only ( including manual on cub Lectures will be provided, and other side attractions)

For any information, contact:

Akela Abigail:08059613767, 07039319935.

Akela Tunji: 09063477104

Come One Come All!!!!

Scout Create A Better World

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