Dear Brothers and Sisters Scouts,
We bring you warm greetings from the NSO of Nigeria on this year’s Founder’s Day, the birthday of
Lord Baden Powell.
2. Lord Robert Baden Powell, born in 1857, founded the Scout Movement more than 100 years ago.
He was a soldier, national hero, educator, and also a prolific writer cum artist. His military life took
him to India with his new regiment and as a young military officer, he specialised in scouting, map-
making and reconnaissance which made him to train other soldiers in what were essential skills of
the then military. He set up small Units or patrols who worked together under a single leader and
made sure there were special recognition for those who did well.
In 1907, he organised what was known as “experimental” camp at Brownsea Island. He brought
together 22 boys and took them camping. That was the beginning of Scouting Movement.
In 1910, at the age of 53, he retired from the army to devote his life to the Scout Movement.
By 1920, the Movement was large enough to hold its first jamboree where about 8000 Scouts from
34 countries gathered for the first ever World Scout Jamboree and by the close of the event, Robert
Baden Powell was acclaimed the Chief Scout of the World.
His farewell message before his death was “Try and leave this world a little better than you found it”
3. As we celebrate this year’s Founder’s Day we enjoin our Youths and Scouts in particular to adapt
to the teachings and guidance of Our Founder towards youth development and role modeling.
- We wish to notify the totality of our Nigeria Scouts that Representative of TSAN are in Edo to
bring about peace amongst brothers and sisters scouts, invoking the genuine spirit of Lord Baden
Powell. - I personally commend all State Scout Councils that have successfully had their GAs and appeal to
those yet to do to ensure they act in earnest. - Today we celebrate Our Founder’s Day an event that has become a part of the World Scout
Activities, but this year’s Founder’s Day is however coming at a time the world is facing the second
phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic, with a more difficult strain. That notwithstanding we should
celebrate it with moderations and caution as much possible, ensure we observe all established
protocols to avoid the Covid-19 spread.
- Let us use today to reach out to our immediate community and environ on how to deal with and
be secured in this Covid-19 Pandemic era. Our Scouting Safe from Harm practices are worthy to beshared with our neighbours. We should carry along our Face Masks and possibly have enough extras
to distribute to our communities, as a token of our good turns of the B.P. day. - Please try to observe all directives and be guided in whatever activities we intend to pursue in
celebrating Our Founder’s Day. Social distancing should be emphasised and all health rules
observed. - Once again, I wish all of us a very Happy Celebration of our Founder’s Day, and please endeavour
to share the good memories of today’s event nationally and with our fellow scouts across the world.